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AS everyone knows,First,Cooperative learning group improve the learning interest of the students Viewed formally, the group learning a few people surrounded by together round table, have broken the traditional form of seat structure, students above the distance between the equality;这句话的意思是随着金融复苏的到来,越来越多的国家合作以改革金融市场首先明确一点 两个完整的句子连用时必须有连词连接或者有分号连接 economic recovery is just around the corner这是一个完整的句子 但该句之前没有连词并且只有逗号而非分号,所以逗号前面一定不能是一个完整的句子 所以谓语。

cooperation的动词是cooperatecooperate是个动词,其含义为“协助配合合作协作”,其第三人称单数是cooperates,现在分词是cooperating,过去式是cooperated,过去分词是cooperated;配合用英语表示为cooperate重点单词cooperate解析如下一读音 英式发音k#601#650#712#594p#601re#618t美式发音ko#650#712ɑ#720p#601re#618t二释义 v 合作,协作配合 n 合作,协作 三词性变化 cooperates第三人称单数cooperating现。

当今社会,与人交往越来越成为一种不可或缺的能力,学会如何与人相处尤为重要接下来我就分享三篇关于如何与人相处的英语作文吧,希望能够打开你的思路,让你下笔如有神作文一As we all know, students should learn how to get on well with others But in what ways?First of all, we;13 We have the Pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension我们冒昧通信,以期待与贵公司建立业务关系14 We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business。


But if another languagecan think that thought, then, by cooperating, we can achieve and learn so muchmore 好,我跟你们说一个关于两位科学家的故事有两位英国科学家在做一项实验,是关于遗传学的,以及动物的前后肢但他们无法得到他们想要的结果他们真的不知道该怎么办,直到来了一位德国的科学家。

cooperation n 合作,协力,合作社 词形变化 名 词co·op#39er·a#39tion·ist 英英解释 2个名词解释 joint operation or action 反 competition, contention, rivalry 例 their cooperation with us was essential for the success of our mission the practice of cooperating 例 economic。

1答案两者都是合作的意思,但是collaborate含有贬义的意思,有勾结的意思而cooperater表示商业上的协同合作,不含贬义成分2相关内容cooperater 1读音k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t2词性动词 3变形cooperated cooperating 4造句Let#39s all cooperate to。

tiān bù zuò měi天不成全美事多指要进行的事情因刮风下雨而受到了影响孙犁芸斋琐谈四“天不作美,忽然飘起雪花来”典故出处孙犁芸斋琐谈四“天不作美,忽然飘起雪花来”近义词天不做美天公不作美英文翻译The weather is not cooperating成语资料成语解释天不。


cooperate 英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates过去分词cooperated现在进行时cooperating过去式cooperated 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1It is this fundamental truth。

cooperate英k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t美ko#712ɑp#601#716retvi合作,配合,协助v合群 互助 结合第三人称单数cooperates过去分词cooperated现在进行时cooperating过去式cooperated。

cooperate读音英 k#601#650#39#594p#601re#618t 美 ko#712ɑp#601#716ret意思vi合作,配合,协助v合群互助结合变形过去式cooperated过去分词cooperated现在分词cooperating第三人称单数cooperates 双语释义合作 配合,协助 work or act togethe。

前半句没错後半句的中英说法均可写清楚些前半句They not only need to learn how to help the disabled =disabled persons 他们除了不仅 学习怎样帮助残疾人士之外,後半句原文but also learn the importance of cooperating with other people to fulfill their aims in。


cooperating beeen the eastern and western region to develop pletely , developing urban economy , accelerating private enterprise development etc conclusion pes in the end of the paper , which summarizes the necessity , disadvantages and strategies of western development 创新性地制定符合。


Both are very important Without cooperation, people can#39t accomplish anything great, just like people couldn#39t build the Babel tower Without competition, things will go even worse, nothing new will be developed, the society will not go ahead this situation happed 500 years ago。

Carton packing is more convenient ,portability and lower cost, green and energy savingMost of our dealers in USA are using the carton packing, of course,the packing effect is Perfect!We will wait your reply and look forward to cooperating with you next time!Yours, Wang Hai。

Which is more important in life, cooperating with others, or selecting competition? The answer may vary from person to person For many people, to work with other people can increase working efficiency They can also improve their ability of communication through the teamwork However。



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