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[emitted]emitted light



2、emit 英#618#39m#618t 美#618#712m#618tvt 发出发射颁布发表 ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击采纳为满意回答按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点采纳回答即可~你的采纳。

3、巴甫洛夫等的实验对象的行为是 *** 引起的反应, 称为“应答性反应 respondents ” 而斯金纳的实验对象的行为是有机体自主发出 emitted 的, 称为“操作性反应 operant ”经典条件作用只能用来解释基于应答性行为。

[emitted]emitted light

4、第一致阐明了她的`研究领芋The candle on the table emitted dim light桌子上的蜡烛发出微弱的光Fireflies don#39t emit heat萤火虫不散发热Owner has made a change in the project investment, cooperation inter。

5、She emitted a cry of painFull of pain充满痛苦的 A harrowing experience痛苦的经历 Causing suffering painful导致痛苦的痛苦的 experiencing intense pain especially mental pain经历强烈的痛苦的,尤其是精神上的。

6、permitmit是重读闭音节,所以要双写t再加ed或ing allow low是元音结尾,直接加ed或ing 类似admitadmitted admitting。

7、Brewing should be poured into the first cup 1 3 of the water immersion, until the fragrance of tea light emitted, then along the rim of a cup to pour over Qiba FenBrewed tea that moderate shade。

8、emitted in the atmosphere, in addition, deposition and bustion of Living garbage has also produced a lot of harmful gas Secondly, the discharge of industrial waste gas is undoubtedly one of the major source。


10、Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of。

11、这个给联合国提建议的研究小组预测, 到2100年, 世界各地的海平面会升高3英尺 这主要是由于露在洋面上的冰山不断融化同时,由于发电厂, 工厂, 汽车燃烧汽油时产生的废气数量在大气层中不断增加 而这些气体能吸收太阳光。


13、I was awakened by footsteps late at night It was dark all around Through the place under the door of my apartment, I saw a beam of light that should be emitted by a flashlight Suddenly I heard a。

14、雅思小作文写作万能模板 1通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道___,也说明了结果是___According to the first graph, it can be seen that ___, it can also be concluded from it that ___2一张有趣有教育。

15、保护系统的电气内部电弧的后果最小化的时候,尽管报警系统,电气故障发生在设备从内部电弧造成的损害最小化,这是非常重要的 当电弧故障所产生的压力弧器一个封闭或半封闭的环境压力波声速移动,传播各地压力传感器是能。

[emitted]emitted light




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