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ledgers,Ledgers 翻译


About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins in brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses ledger #39led#x0292#x0259 n总账,分户总账会计 分类账账簿底账手脚架上的横木“Got it here somewhere;ledgers 账本,分类账 dog biscuits 狗吃的硬饼干 book of numbers 数字簿 Griphook 本意是拉环,故事中的一个妖怪 came hurtling up 飞驰而来 hurtl 猛冲,疾飞 middle fork stalactites 钟乳石 stalagmites 石笋 look very green 感到不适,被吓青了 come billowing out 如波涛般翻滚出来 ravine。

ledgers,Ledgers 翻译

ledger 英#712led#658#601r美#712l#603d#658#602n分类账复数ledgers 例句1Ledger died of a prescription drug overdose last month莱杰上个月死于处方药使用过量2Or a ledger of their criminal activities?或者记录他们犯罪交易的账本?3Web desig;前者是分类账,后者是试算平衡表,分类账里面每个明细科目的期末余额,把具有相同的一级科目余额的分类账科目余额汇总后,可以编制试算平衡表。



bookie 是 Bookkeeper 中的一个实例,一个 bookie 拥有多个 ledgers,每个 ledger 对应 Pulsar 中的一个 topicBookkeeper 本身的 IO 分离 能够很好的为此做支撑在单个 bookie 中,有一个 journal 日志文件一般有一块专有的 journal 盘用于 journal 文件的写入类似于 LSMTree 中的 WAL。

Job Description deal with daily vouchers and ledgers, control foreign nationality people#39s expenses happened in china reasonable, report employees expenses and bank statement to headquarter in America financial people needed, to report the payment amount which happened in china and also employees expen。

payablesandreceivablesPreparebudgetandcostreports 2009Richmond,VA StaffAccountant Prepareindividual,corporate,andfiduciaryincomeandestateta__。

The shareholders meetings minutes, as well as Board resolutions, must be transcribed in the corporate ledgers In certain cases, copies of the minutes must be filed with the Internal Auditing Bureareg, when bylaws amendments are decided, etc股东大会的会议记录和董事会的决议。

配置货币类型时,需通过SPRO Financial AccountingFinancial Accounting Global Settings Ledgers Ledger Define Settings for Ledgers and Currency Types每个货币类型需设置货币转换规则,包括实时或月末转换选项对于自定义货币类型,需定义转换规则和货币类型字段,如货币代码转换类型汇率。


1、1A durable writing paper used in record books and business ledgers一种耐用的书写纸,用于记账2Roads must be resurfaced every few years at great cost, so the installation of durable solar panels could reduce the price of maintenance公路每隔几年必须重铺路面,花费不菲,安装耐用。

2、助理的职责 会计助理通常是支持Senior级别的审计师和会计师,一般是做记账bookkeeping,应收账款accounts receivables和应付帐款accounts payable, 以及行政事务他们主要的职责包括处理和记录客户的收据在会计软件和系统中他们也需要编码化付款,准备报表和保持分类账accounts ledgers的一致。

ledgers,Ledgers 翻译

3、Initiate and maintain general ledgers for three closely held corporationsCompile financial statementsProcess payroll,payables and receivablesPrepare budget and cost reports 20xxpresent BT JOHNSONRichmond,VA Staff Accountant Prepare individual,corporate,and fiduciary income and estate tax re。

4、打印尺寸中ledger是什么意思 亲, 分类账 The ledgers and aount books had all been destroyed 分类账本和账簿都被销毁了分类账簿也称分类账 LedgerSized11X17英寸 以A4为例 A4 210毫米*297毫米 Ledger纸 432毫米*279毫米 诗酒天涯 团队fany爱在为您解答 ===满意请采纳。

5、That#39s the department that is the central bookkeeper for the bank 罗杰斯不,那是总帐部门的工作,那个部门就是银行的中央簿记处Of course ,modern banks keep such records in computers instead of in ledgers当然了,现代银行把这样一些记录保存在计算机里而不是保存在总帐簿中。



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