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[competence-oriented]competenceoriented education


competence grammar 的话指的是一个speaker的整个运用语法的能力,比如他她会多少语法规则,对这些规则掌握的如何performance grammar指的是一个speaker在说话和书写过程中实际运用的语法,因为speaker可能也会在说话和写作过程;engineering technology education as the main line, closely followed rail traffic signal control system frontier theory, depends on the traffic information engineering and control of national key discipline, control scie。

[competence-oriented]competenceoriented education

Culture oriented English teaching mode This pattern is standing at the cultural level, regard language as the carrier of culture, like the table or materialized intercultural communicative ability both as means and;Canale 在1983 年提出,交际能力communicative competence 包括四方面grammatical competence, socioculture competence, discourse competence, strategic competence 1grammatival competenceproducing a strutured comprehensible。

The Harvard Design School also offers a separate threeyear program leading to the doctor of design degree, which is oriented to the practice and teaching of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design An applic。

competence-oriented education

A Nothing different from a secretary#39s common responsibilitiesHowever, you know , our company is an international tradeoriented company Canyou handle English papers and write English correspondence?A和普通的。

[competence-oriented]competenceoriented education


3 White Spaces, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the New Product or Service Market ten it can be redeploying or rebining its core petence for the untapped product or marketshighly;I will sketch a technique which might be able to do this dataoriented parsing, by means of patternmatching with an annotated corpus This parsing technique may be of more than technological interest it suggests a。



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